Peri to Post Menopause Health 6 Weeks 1-to-1


What is included:

  • 6 weeks of Women’s Health Coaching with Sarah via Zoom or in person

  • 1 X 90 minute coaching session including a full health and lifestyle questionnaire and a one weeks food diary

  • 5 X 60 minute coaching sessions tailored to you and your symptoms

  • Full support in between sessions Monday to Friday 8.30am to 7.30pm by WhatsApp. It is just like having you own personal coach in your pocket! I can be on hand if you need a little reassurance, guidance or extra support.

  • Free access to my online women’s health membership for the duration of your time with me. It includes journals, videos, recipes, downloads, relaxation scripts and much more so that you are fully supported.



This is for you if…

You are suffering with the typical Peri – Post Menopausal Symptoms like Hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, muscle and joint pain. You may be feeling stuck in your life and feel you need to make changes but just don’t know where to start. You may be on HRT or want to know more about it.

Working with Sarah will give you the knowledge and tools to change all of this but it does take commitment and effort on your behalf. Changing old habits can be hard BUT with determination and a great working partnership you can achieve anything! Together we will cover all aspects of your lifestyle including nutrition, stress management, movement and sleep to provide you with a tailored program to ease your symptoms and gain a new found sense of confidence and optimism for your future. All programs are bespoke and tailored to you to achieve optimal results.

The help offered in this course isn’t simply for 6 weeks, it’s forever…

It includes Post-Menopause help & support too and the opportunity to build a life long relationship with me as your wellness coach for the rest of your life through midlife and beyond.

I like to build long term relationships with my clients that offer support to ensure you receive the best up to date evidence based knowledge about your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life.


  • No more struggling with overwhelm. Instead, feel in control and capable and full of trust for yourself and your capabilities.

  • No more finding yourself battling with procrastination. It’s time to step into the powerful woman that you are

  • No more hot flushes, night sweats and anxiety, gain control of your symptoms by feeling empowered to make positive change

  • No more feeling tired and unmotivated, feel energised and excited to be the best version of yourself

  • No more fear of ageing, learn to love your beautiful self inside and out and give yourself the love and respect you deserve

  • No more putting yourself last, you are here to shine, your best life is to come…


How much time will I need to dedicate to the course?

  • Throughout the course I will give you tasks to work on in your own time, including keeping food diaries, making changes to your diet, practising stress management techniques, working on your daily mindset, practising good sleep hygiene habits and exercise. The more effort you put in the more progress you will achieve but there is no pressure just the opportunity for you to shine and feel much much better!

Do I have to attend the trainings live?

  • Yes, our sessions are on online or in person every week for 6 weeks but can be spread out further but taken within 6 months

I can’t really afford it right now but I would really like to do it
  • I totally understand but I also believe that waiting for the right time never comes. Many of my clients haven’t had the money sitting in their accounts waiting for them to invest but they have found a way to invest in themselves, their health and their future and were so happy with the results that it was totally worth the investment. The greatest wealth is our health.

“I would highly recommend Sarah she has turned my life around, she has empowered me to take control over my body and given me the knowledge to understand what is going on with my change”

“In July I went to the doctor because I was constantly crying and not coping with work demands. I was forgetful and anxious, I lost all confidence, I put on weight, I couldn’t sleep and had hot flushes. I was just generally a mess, it was completely out of character! My doctor diagnosed me as being depressed and prescribed me antidepressants and arranged counselling. Although talking to someone helped it certainly didn’t help or cure any of my problems.

I felt unable to work as I would burst into tears at the slightest problem, I am lucky as my employers are amazing and realised I had more going on and put me in touch with Sarah. I was a bit dubious to start with but after my first session I came away feeling so much better in the fact that the way I was feeling was normal for someone going through the menopause. I kept a food diary which I sent to Sarah and we discussed a better diet and my fluid intake as my food diary was rather appalling! Within a week I was eating fruit & vegetables daily and using recipes from Sarahs website! My Gut health improved 100% and I am now able to go to the toilet daily without using any laxatives where as before I was lucky to go every 3-4 days!

Since my sessions with Sarah I’m back at work and very happy. I’m gaining back my confidence, I have more energy than I have had for along time and I cannot remember the last time I cried. I find myself doing breathing exercises without even thinking about it and have routines in place for eating and sleeping. I have stopped taking my antidepressants as I no longer need them! I am eating more than I used to and I’m losing weight because I’m eating healthily, I have lost 11.5lbs!

My sleep is improving and I no longer get night sweats although I still have hot flushes they are getting less as time goes on as I know It will continue to improve the more I look after myself.”

“Hi Sarah

Just wanted to thank you for today.

I was in a menopause nightmare before I found you. In desperation I tried HRT which I didn’t want to do, symptoms were eased a little but the crippling anxiety and insomnia were getting worse. I tried my doctor again and after waiting 8 weeks for an appointment came away feeling bewildered and ashamed for wasting their time in this pandemic.

I walked out of my first session with you a different woman.  There is not going to be a miracle instant solution but the pure luxury of having someone to talk to. It’s like having your best friend and your Mum giving you expert and common sense advice.

Menopause is a complex issue, being able to access professional and up to date information on everything from HRT, diet, sleep and mental and physical wellbeing is for me a genuine sanity and life saver.

Thank You Sarah for being such a caring and warm professional.

I will recommend you to any woman I know who is hoping to feel empowered and comforted through this journey of change and with your help positive transformation.”
